Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 17

Last night was my first real work party. It was really weird not seeing everyone in their smurf blue ski outfits. I actually didn't recognize some of them because that is all I've ever seen them in. It was really good to see everyone happy and normal though because a lot of times people can be rude at work because they are so stressed. The food was really good (and free ;) and everyone was in a good mood because our venue has gotten a lot of good recognition for our performance and we were almost done. I left after about 2 hours though because everyone was taking full advantage of the open bar and I really didn't feel good. So I laid on my friend's bed before finally making it to my own.
Today was exciting. A lot of people were regretting their decisions they had made last night but everyone was putting on a good face because it was our last day on the venue. Even broadcasters were in a good mood. The USA ended up getting gold, which was so exciting! My bobsled buddy wasn't on the winning sleigh but he was happy nonetheless and gave me a huge and signed my accreditation. I also saw Mellisa Hollingsworth (5th in women's skeleton) again and got her to sign my accreditation but then I accidentally wiped it off before it dried (that made me really sad). Oh well.
After work, I went to the Usher concert with my friend, Vera. It was really fun. I really like Vera so I was glad to spend my last night in Whistler with her. I now need to finish packing so I can catch my 3 am bus to the airport :(
This has been such an incredible opportunity and growing/stretching experience. I didn't make as many contacts as I would have liked due to the nature of my job but I worked with some really great people and it was very interesting to see how an event this size is put on. Thank-you guys for all your support through e-mails and comments. They helped a lot. See some of you soon.


Michelle said...

Dj, I'm glad that you had a great learning experience! There will be many more to come and this is just the beginning! :o) Praying that you have a safe trip back home!

Bonni said...

Dj-I checked your blog everyday and truly enjoyed reading your quick takes on the events. It is so awesome that you were able to be there and experience the OLYMPICS!! xo Bonni