Friday, July 20, 2012


I love my job and the people I work with ;)
It's coming upon the one year mark for a lot of our team members so we're coming into familiar territory since at least one person has done this part of the year before. I've almost been here for 8 months but it's cool to look back and see how far our team has come.

Since a lot our team members our new, we are still catching up with projects. So even though it's summer, we're still busy. Last Friday however, since we had been so productive last week, we got to work on a project for our own department. It was so refreshing to be the boss and get to decide where our project was going. Kelly and I came up with concepts and content and then had our photographer, Jer, do a photoshoot of us so we could use the pictures in the book. Here's some pictures from the shoot. Kelly is getting married in 29 days so she happened to have photo booth props at the office.

We were trying to put glasses on each other and I forgot she was so short hehe

We love the mustache ones.

I don't have a nose in this one... oops 

I'll have to show you guys how the guide book is coming next week and explain more about our project.
Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

Katie Cottle said...

So cute! I love the bottom one the best! you kind of remind me of the monopoly guy with your mustache haha