Monday, October 14, 2013

Our Weekend

With Adam and Katie being in their last semester of grad school and me being a freelancer, we had a working weekend over here in the Ward household. We got a lot done and still managed to have fun. I would call that a successful weekend.

 I did a little pre-gaming on the weekend and took Jack on a fancy dog walk. (I wore lipstick to meet Adam and his coworkers for lunch and that stuff really stays on.)

 We play this fun game with Jack where you play tug of war with him and when you get the toy away from him, you lay on it. It is hilarious because he wiggles his way under your body to get his toy back. You can't help but laugh when he does it.

Friday night, the three of us went to see Gravity in 3D. It was the most visually stunning, stressful movie I've ever seen. I still can't decide if I liked it.

via google

Saturday Morning, we went to Yoga at the art museum downtown and it was a beautiful view. Lord knows I need to stretch after being crunched behind a computer all week but sometimes I can't handle the mumbo jumbo of Yoga. It was still fun though.

 Oh don't mind my beach going towel, I didn't have a mat and now know why they are so valuable.

 We got there early but there ended being a lot more people.

The rest of day, we rested and worked on stuff.
(and this guy doesn't claim to "love" Jack, he says he's just okay)

 We ended the day with crab legs. It was so good! It seriously took me back to childhood vacations in Ocean city, Maryland where we would get bushel of crabs. We'd cover the table with newspapers/brown paper, have hot butter, Old Bay Seasoning, mallets and a couple crab/lobster crackers. It was really fun!

Sunday, we were all doing variable things but all got to come home to enjoy a crockpot dinner recipe from my mother-in-law. It was a success.

Happy Monday!


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