Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mackinaw Island- Day 7

Okay so after our weird day, we had one of the best days on Mackinac Island. We got on one of the earliest ferries to take us onto the island and had a brief tour of the Mackinaw bridge while on our way over. That thing is big. It was calling for rain but we had a beautiful morning and then a decent afternoon as well.

Coming on to the island. 
Most of the island is a state park but there are still some privately owned houses. There are actually about 500 year around residents on the island. The way they get on and off the island is by ferry, plane, and in the winter, the ice bridge. Usually in February, after a week of below zero temperatures with no wind, the strait will freeze over creating an ice bridge that those brave residents can use to get to the mainland. Sometimes it lasts for a couple days or even a month and then it's back to checking schedules and paying for their transportation to the mainland.

The cool thing about Mackinaw island is that there are no cars on the island. Everyone walks, bikes, or rides horses/horse carriages. (The island is only 3.8 square miles and 8 miles around). It is so whimsical.

the cute little bed and breakfast we stayed at.

The view from where the governor's summer home 

We decided to walk through the island since the morning was so nice.
We saw the natural bridge and the sun was hitting the water just right.

We saw this huge rock called Sugar loaf. Look how small Adam looks.
A view from up top.
We got a nice couple to take our picture. Vacation is fun by yourselves but then you always have to bother someone to take a picture of the two of you. Sometimes they are good and sometimes they aren't, but we are always grateful ;)

We walked through the whole island and saw everything we wanted to see before noon. I felt so productive and it was fun.
The view from one of the old forts on the island. The island was valuable during the War of 1812. The British captured it from the Americans and used this fort because it was on higher ground.
After we walked around, we ate lunch in the cute town and then mini golfed (on real greens- so more like chipping and putting on a real golf course).

We also rented a tandem bike and went around the island. It was so much fun!!! I think Adam had to work harder because he was the person in the front but I was loving it haha
We seriously had so much fun on the island.
We spent more time exploring, eating, shopping, getting in our B&B's hot tub that was outside and had a waterfall (what?!? loved it), and enjoying our time on the island.

I'm so glad we went. It was one of the best days. And the next morning, we woke up to the sounds of cannon fire (the old fort has demonstrations) and horse hoofs. I felt like I had woken up in the wrong century. I could see us going back in the future. If you guys have a chance to go, it's really fun.

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