Thursday, September 5, 2013

New Beginnings

Today is my last day at Kohl's. It was a hard decision but one that I have thought and prayed a lot about and then decided to give my notice a couple weeks ago. The thing is, I have nothing bad to say about the company or the people I work with and never would but it just isn't for me. I look around at people flourishing in their position and I go home a lot of days wondering if design is for me. Some of it could be because I developed carpal tunnel in both arms which really makes you consider your work because the pain reminds you that you are doing just that, working. The position is temporary and for the unforeseeable future will be. They have open positions but because of the hiring freeze they are unable to fill them and I as a freelancer am unable to do some of the jobs that deal directly with merchants/vendors. I therefore have decided to take a leap of faith and see what doors God will open for me. I don't have anything lined up at the moment (which is a really scary thought) but I need to be moving into something that is furthering my career and that enjoy and my current position will never be that. It's a bittersweet because I have made some really good friends here and I finally know what I'm doing at work but I know there will be other opportunities and other friends to be made. For now, all I can think of is I'll be unemployed after this day and I'm going on vacation. Two very different thoughts but exciting nonetheless.

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