Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Splash Studio

Since moving, Adam and I have been trying to explore Milwaukee as much as we can. So on Friday for a triple birthday celebration, we decided to try Splash Studio, a painting bar. (I like their logo because it's clever)

My birthday is August 1st, Adam's August 10th, and Alli the 8th.

The group: me, Adam, Erika, Alli, Joe
 My little painter

I actually told Adam about this place back when we were dating but we never made it. We did however, tell Joe about it. So him and Alli have now been 3 times since I told them about it.

 Erika and Alli

 This is when my painting stopped looking good. I had so much fun but my painting was pretty awful.

You start off with a white canvas and there is an artist who takes you step by step to repaint a painting they have already done. (You look ahead at the calendar to see what painting is on the docket so you know when you want to go).  We used acrylic paint so that it dried fast so we could finish our painting in the three hour time limit. The theory is that when your painting is drying you can get a drink... we were kind of slow painters so we just got our cokes at the beginning.

 Adam's painting was pretty good.

 You can add whatever you want to your painting. (I mean theoretically you don't even have to repaint the artist's painting but I don't think many people do that.) I added a moon, Alli an arch since she's from St. Louis, and Adam mimicked the Chicago skyline.

 Everyone's painting

My painting was so bad, I tried to get the artist to switch me for his painting. He didn't go for it haha

All in all, this was a really fun outing and it was something different to try. We are hoping to go back sometime.

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