Monday, March 11, 2013

Last Week

So last week was pretty busy for me. I went to a networking event last Tuesday night and met a lot of freelancers who also work for Kohl's which was really fun. Now I know a couple more people at Kohl's and they all sit near me. Then on Wednesday Night, I went to a presentation on the software I use everyday (Adobe products) with some other designers from my church. It was really fun. There are so many things I don't know about those programs so it's very interesting to learn more.

I hit a roadblock with winter this week so I was thankful that on Thursday instead of Curling we went went with some friends to the local botanical gardens for Music Under the Glass. It was an event apparently all winter and we happen to catch one of the last ones. We were among flowers listening to Irish music and watching little kids have fun and dance along. It was really cute and fun.

This was my new friend that I made. She showed me the trains that were traveling among the flowers.


Anonymous said...

Your new friend looks grumpy. Katie

Leighann said...

I love this idea! We love our botanical gardens (here and in DC). Great place to go in the winter!