Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Apartment Projects

We're hard at work over here trying to finish all the little things up around our place. We still have quite a bit left to do but we got some things done over the last few days.

Like a solution for hanging my necklaces. I used to hang them with 3m hooks but got sick of how 
college-ish that looked

So I seriously thought about getting this guy for my wall and my obsession with gold almost won me over. Then I thought about it and didn't think it was worth the $50 in case I didn't like it in a couple years (or even months).

So I went outside and while cleaning the yard, I found this stick and saw the possibility and loved that it was free. So Adam spray painted it gold while I untangled all my necklaces and it was done. Bam.

 Then over the weekend we got supplies to hang all our patio lights up. We're so excited to hang out with friends on our patio on a summer night ;)

Hoping to finish even more this week before we have guest this weekend 

1 comment:

Leighann said...

That necklace stick is AWESOME! Really awesome. I loved the deer head, but then I love your stick and the price of it too…. just spent a lot of money on photos (books, 4x6s, some studio for the babies). looking for cheap frames now. and can't wait for some family shots coming soon!! Love ya!